International Collaboration for Excellence in Critical Care MedicineEducation Symp

ICE-CCM Presentations

November 2002 Meeting

bullet Welcoming Remarks and Course Overview, Why Leadership Training - Tom Stewart

Issues Around Change - Janet Beed (note: 1.2 MB)

bullet Threat and Error Management in Aviation - Mark Auerman
bullet Handheld Training - Stephen Lapinsky (note: 1.4 MB)
bullet Putting Together a Business Plan - Borys Chabursky
bullet Bringing Evidence to the Bedside in Critical Care - Allan Detsky

Teamwork Training in Critical Care - Fabrice Brunet

bullet Marketing Yourself - Heather Reid
bullet APC Update and Sepsis Case Studies - Randy Wax
bullet Creating Leaders Around You - Bill Sibbald (note: 1.5 MB)
bullet Leadership Skills for Clinicians: Lessons from Industry - Gaetano Crupi

November 2004 Meeting

Technology to Enable Leadership (Stephen Lapinsky)


Crisis Resource Management (Randy Wax)


Negotiations (Hugh MacLeod)


Changing Behaviour (Hugh MacLeod)


Achieving Goals (Chris Mazza)







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